Vivi joined us for Foundation Year for one year, returning to Mexico in summer 2020 to to finish 9th grade and is now studying at Tecnologico de Monterrey, a prestigious high school in Monterrey. Vivi is currently seeking scholarships and opportunities, and currently working on a global innovation water challenge with the United Nations and students all around the world looking for alternative solutions to solve the water crisis. She recently began hiking and cycling.
Of her time at Surval, she says
“My time and experiences at Surval helped me become the strong independent woman I am today. Surval gave me the opportunities and adventures that allowed me to grow as a person and live in the moment. I learned about the power and importance of friendship and how, irrespective of distance, age, or differences, a powerful friendship is forever. Surval opened my mind by giving me support and opportunities, helped me realise that everything you set your mind up to, you can achieve. I discovered my passions, my ambitions, and who I want to be in life. My time at Surval helped me realise that I should not be finding the right path to walk on; I can create my own path.”
Vivi says she is excited to fulfil the role of Ambassador and ready to help in any way possible.