Survalienne Ambassadors

Lucía Mellone


 Lucía Mellone Lucía joined Surval Summer Camp 1990 and returned to Mexico to finish High School. After graduating from High School, Lucía spent a year learning French at Eurocentres Lausanne before starting her degree in International Relations in Mexico City, and going on to complete her MBA at the London School of Economics.

Today, Lucía is the General Director of CosmoEducación, a Mexican company with 40 years’ experience in foreign language learning and educating children and adults abroad.

Lucía says her time at Surval gifted her
“Independence, maturity and new friends from all over the world. Surval taught me to get involved in different activities that in my country does not exist, to be more open as I had to deal with so many cultures and nationalities that are very different from us.”

Lucía feels this Ambassador opportunity is a real honour. She would like to help many Mexicans experience Surval as “it opens your mind to study and travel more.”

Get in touch with us to book a personal one to one meeting with our Principal Mrs Woodhouse

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