A Life-changing Trip
Read all about Victoria's time in Tanzania, it's safe to say she had an incredible trip!
"Fourteen days later how do I even start… After spending the most amazing two weeks in Tanzania, with the best team I could ever ask for, doing life-changing projects, it is time to go back home.
I dare to say, our lives have also changed forever, seeing the little kids dancing, smiling, and singing really gave us a different life perspective. Seeing how everyone in the community of Kindwitwi worked together to help each other in whatever challenge someone is facing.
Talking about challenges, camping for one week, taking showers of five minutes in an outdoors shower, going to the restroom in a whole different way we are used to was nowhere easy, but totally worth it.

The first day, we planted banana trees for the community to consume organic high quality food. The second day we went to an all-girls high school, where we donated a sewing machine and got the opportunity to interact with the students, walk around campus and learn about their dances and sports. In the afternoon we visited another primary school where we also donated school material such as wooden numbers games, chalkboards and exercise books. The third day and the most physically challenging one for me, we built a trench for one of our amazing hosts Miriam, because of this she and her family will have access to clean water for the first time ever. For the next two days we painted a whole classroom for the local kindergarten, and continued helping in the garden.
The night before we departed to our next destination, the Kindwitwi community threw us a thank you dinner, where we ate local delicacies, and the girls of the schools we visited sang us traditional songs. What a spectacular way to end our week in Kindwitwi. We continued with an amazing safari and two days on the beach.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone in the team: Ana Sofia, Ivanna, Arleen, Gala, Sara, Vivían, Marina, Monse, Romina, Anaeliz, Isabella, Ms. Dudley, Ms. Hill and Jack, our expedition leader. Thank you for all the meals cooked, for all the laughs, for the 8-hour bus rides, for singing every song very passionately, for singing me happy birthday fifteen times, you will all be in my heart forever. Victoria of two weeks ago would not believe everything the team and herself have accomplished."
Watch the Tanzania trip in action here and read our Principal's blog
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